June 10, 2016

Florence, AL-Meet Micaela! Micaela has been an employee with TASUS for two years on July 28th. The best part of her job is that she gets to work with a lot of different people. She likes training and helping them especially.
In her free time Micaela trains horses, rides four wheelers, fishes, does archery, and enjoys playing in the mud! She is very talented at training and breaking horses. The person that inspires Micaela the most is her father Steve.
Her favorite movie is Jaws. Classic! Coincidentally her favorite food is fish related as well, shrimp. Her dream vacation would be to stay in Montana for a week during the fall.

In the left photo is Micaela and her best friend Eve, the center photo is Micaela and her siblings, and on the right is Micaela and her dad Steve.
Thanks Micaela for being a wonderful member of our team!