December 12, 2014

Bloomington, IN— TASUS has dedicated the last two months to helping BJ Yoho collect toys for the Riley Hospital for Children. BJ Yoho, a.k.a. BJ Claus, has become an icon and an inspiration for TASUS, raising the holiday spirit throughout the company. TASUS has such great admiration for this young man that we have come together to donate nearly 600 toys to add to his donation total.
BJ Claus has endured many surgeries throughout his youth, but that has not deterred him from bringing inspiration and joy to people everywhere. Every year around the holidays BJ collects toys to donate to Riley Children’s Hospital for the boys and girls who are going into surgeries. He has proven to be an inspiration for TASUS employees and brings joy everywhere he goes.
When speaking with BJ and his family you see just how genuinely special he is. Everywhere he goes people recognize him as BJ Claus, the kid who raises the toys for other children. TASUS employees have seen BJ in public and approached him to thank him and let him know how great the work he does truly is. When BJ and his family came to the TASUS plant to pick up our donations many employees stepped away from what they were doing to say hello or thank him for what he does.
This year TASUS set a goal to collect 500 toys, after we raised nearly 350 last year. At TASUS we believe in continuous improvement so it is only fitting to improve upon our donation total each year. This year TASUS was able to successfully beat our goal and raised over 590 toys in total.

TASUS employees have all been driven to help BJ raise toys. It’s hard not to want to help BJ in his quest to donate toys. BJ has dealt with more adversity than most people could imagine, yet he spends countless hours looking to help others.
On the behalf of TASUS we would like to say thank you to BJ and the Yoho family for the work you do. What you do is truly incredible and at TASUS we look forward to helping you for years to come.

For more information on the Riley Hospital for Children and how to give donations visit their website Riley Children’s Foundation